Ending Physician Overwhelm

New Reasons to Move your Body

Megan Melo, Physician and Life Coach Episode 141

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“I should exercise more”

This episode is not for those of you who already LOVE exercising. Those of you who are runners, for example, and strongly identify as such. Or Cross-Fitters. You are welcome here, and yet this episode might not make sense to you.

Because today, I’m talking to those of us who were not athletes, who put exercise on our calendars and then don’t do it, who think we “should” do exercise, or think of exercise as something we do to “fix” ourselves in some way.

Let’s talk about some new perspectives on exercise that will pull you in and help you get those shoes on, or that class scheduled.

Here’s the bottom line:

  • You’ll feel good after (and RARELY regret moving your body)
  • You are more likely to engage in other self-care behaviors, like better sleep or nutrition or time with friends when you are active (with a little boundaries practice to boot!)
  • Spend time with friends/loved ones OR refilling your social batteries (introverts unite!)

When the short-term gains are right in your face, when you are very clear on the immediate benefits, you are more likely to be consistent. So put down the *shoulds*, and let’s go for a walk!

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To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.

Want to contact me directly?
Email: megan@healthierforgood.com

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