Ending Physician Overwhelm
I'm Megan Melo, a Physician and Life Coach. In this podcast we talk about ways in which Physicians get stuck in overwhelm, burnout and analysis-paralysis, and how we can get unstuck. I'm on a mission to help Physicians take steps towards healing from perfectionism, people-pleasing and limiting beliefs so that we can lead healthier, happier lives.
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Connect with me:
- Website: www.healthierforgood.com
- Instagram: @MeganMeloMD
- Email: megan@healthierforgood.com
Ending Physician Overwhelm
Food Matters; Fuel Your Body Well
Food is complicated; I know it, you know it.
Today, I invite you to consider how you are fueling your body, and how it’s working for how you feel? Do you fuel your body often enough, and with foods that help you feel good in terms of energy, and overall effects? Or are you eating on the go, grabbing whatever’s easy, eating so quickly you barely taste anything and soon after having heartburn or a migraine?
What and how you eat matters to your human body. And having a human body is often considered to be inconvenient to others who want you to work as though you don’t have one. But we need to start thinking about fueling our bodies in a way that supports us feeling our best.
My 2 major recommendations for humans?
-More naturally fiber-rich foods
-More plant-based protein
Additional Resources: I highly recommend reading “How Not to Age” by Dr Michael Greger; it’s a BIG book, but he really dives into the evidence of human health and longevity, and I think it’s a powerful argument towards more plants in our lives, without being preachy or political.
Caveat/Disclosure: This is not a lecture about metabolism, weight, weight loss, obesity, etc. If you struggle with disordered eating, eating disorders, binge-restrict cycles, or other trauma responses in connection with food, nutrition, dieting, etc, I’m not diving into any of these, but if you still find the topics triggering, I invite you to sit this one out. Many of us come from difficult or traumatic experiences with these areas, and my goal is not to increase distress.
To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.
Want to contact me directly?
Email: megan@healthierforgood.com
Follow me on Instagram!