Ending Physician Overwhelm
I'm Megan Melo, a Physician and Life Coach. In this podcast we talk about ways in which Physicians get stuck in overwhelm, burnout and analysis-paralysis, and how we can get unstuck. I'm on a mission to help Physicians take steps towards healing from perfectionism, people-pleasing and limiting beliefs so that we can lead healthier, happier lives.
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Connect with me:
- Website: www.healthierforgood.com
- Instagram: @MeganMeloMD
- Email: megan@healthierforgood.com
Ending Physician Overwhelm
The Sleep Talk You REALLY Need
Yes, yes, you know. You should sleep more.
And most of us WANT to sleep more; or at least feel like we have slept more.
Today is part of my “4 Pillars” or “Back to Basics” series for September, and today we are talking sleep. But rather than give you a prescription, literally or figuratively, I want to talk about what’s getting in the way of you getting to bed, what it’s costing YOU (not humans in general, but the impact on your life), and then creating a customized action plan to meet your needs.
Let’s get our sleep on!
To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.
Want to contact me directly?
Email: megan@healthierforgood.com
Follow me on Instagram!